Mary T. Prenon
Writer, Reporter, Author, Speaker

The Epoch Times is the fastest growing independent news media in America, in print and online.  

The Epoch Times' U.S. print circulation is 1.092 million and its website has 19 million unique visitors per month. It is distributed in 33 countries worldwide.
Read Mary's Articles
Chicago Agent Magazine is the leading source of real estate news for over 40,000 professionals in the greater Chicago area.  

The magazine is one of six sister publications across the nation, including Atlanta, Boston, Houston, Phoenix, Seattle, and South Florida Agent.

Real Estate In-Depth is an award-winning newspaper in the NY metro area.
Read Mary's Articles
I'm Lazy and I Love to Eat is the world's first humorous "get fit" book, chock full of real-life stories of the author's 19-year journey to fitness.  

It also features great tips on workouts, body image and healthy eating, including a grocery list and super-easy meal suggestions.

The book is currently available on . 
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